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Sharing Love, Touching Lives

Friday, February 26, 2021
Sharing Love, Touching Lives

Have you had the chance to feel the joy from seeing the precious smile on someone’s face when you gave them something? Did it not become one of the precious memories you’ll want to treasure forever?

There’s a different level of happiness that showing care for others can give a person. A part of it is it makes them feel like a part of something bigger than themselves. According to Winston Churchill, we make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give. For this very reason, people tend to grab any opportunity that they can to give back to others in their own little ways. Our recent charity event goes to show that whatever comes from the heart will surely touch the other person’s life.

On January 24, 2021, with the help of The Feet People (TFP) Team and Yoonet Management, a YOORAK (Yoonet’s Random Act of Kindness) event took place in the Bahay Puso Apostolate Foundation. For those who haven’t heard of Bahay Puso, it is a home for abandoned and sick lay aged people with a capacity of 40 residents and as of now, 32 elderly are registered in their foundation. Bahay Puso is located at Sitio Mathay, Upper Tuyo, Balanga City, Bataan and with the help of Mrs. Cathy Cabildo, one of the admin staff of the foundation, the in-kind donations to Bahay Puso Apostolate Foundation were delivered. The donation gathered from the TFP team was used to buy and provide the elderly with their primary needs such as their daily supply of vitamins, rice, milk, cooking oil, shampoo, etc.

The TFP and Yoonet Management wanted to share the blessings that they have received over the past year with this foundation. Being able to hear and see all the priceless smiles and laughter that the residents of Bahay Puso shared with us during the YOORAK event gave us so much joy.

In order to let you experience what we’ve felt during the charity event, here’s a video of the preparation and our actual visit to the Foundation last January:

Bataan Peninsula State University (BPSU) faculty members recently embarked on an enriching five-day immersion program hosted by Yoonet, a leading technology company in Balanga City. Designed to bridge the gap between academia and industry, the program offered a comprehensive look into the world of software development, industry trends, and potential collaboration opportunities.

Day 1: Orientation and Immersion

meeting of faculty and headswork hard and be kindorientation of programSoftware Developers and the head of departmentexplanation of the Head of the CCSWelcoming the immersion

The program kicked off with an orientation session, introducing the faculty members to Yoonet's vision and mission. Following this, the participants shared their professional backgrounds, setting the stage for a collaborative learning environment. A company tour provided a glimpse into Yoonet's vibrant work culture and humble office.

Day 2: Technology Deep Dive

Explanation of tech to the CCS facultyExplanation of the technologyPost graduates of BPSU working in YoonetExplaning the podioExplaining the bubbleApplications used for communication

‍Day two delved into the technical aspects of Yoonet's operations. Faculty members observed development team meetings, gained insights from BPSU-CICT - now known as College of Computer Studies - graduates who have successfully transitioned into the industry, and received an in-depth overview of the technologies and tools used by Yoonet. Showcasing successful projects further enriched the learning experience.

Day 3: Industry Standards and Agile Methodology

Creating a diagramsWorking with the companyExplaning the APIExplanation of methodologyExplaining in person the software used in companyAgreeing with the faculty

The third day focused on industry best practices and methodologies. Participants engaged in discussions on Agile methodologies and project management techniques, followed by an observation of different development teams in action. A hands-on Bubble Bootcamp introduced the faculty to low-code development, providing practical experience.

Day 4: The Impact of AI and Technology Trends

Explaining the AIFuther discussion of AIDiscussion of ToolsTeaching how we use the AIShowcased the bubble bootcampReflection for using AI

Day four explored the influence of AI on the business landscape. Faculty members learned about Yoonet's AI initiatives and witnessed the application of these technologies through showcased projects. The Bubble Bootcamp continued, building on the previous day's learning.

Day 5: Synthesis and Future Collaboration

The faculty, management, and the developersDiscussing the valuable feedbackPeople who made the partnership succesfulReceiving of package from the BPSUItems included in packageThe management gave the certificate to the faculty

The final day was dedicated to reflection and future collaboration. Faculty members presented key takeaways and observations, and potential areas for partnership between BPSU and Yoonet were identified. The program concluded with a certificate awarding ceremony and valuable feedback collection.

A Successful Partnership

The faculty immersion program was a resounding success, providing BPSU faculty with a deep understanding of industry trends, technologies, and best practices. It fostered a collaborative environment and opened doors for potential research and development projects between the university and Yoonet.

This initiative is a testament to the commitment of both institutions to bridge the gap between academia and industry, ensuring that graduates are equipped with the necessary skills to excel in the dynamic world of technology.

The very reason why we are eager to share this small charity event is with the hopes that something will also spark inside you just by seeing how happy the elderly were during the visitation. Remember that an act of kindness, no matter how big or small, will surely change and touch the lives of others. 

See you again at the upcoming YOORAK events!