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Benefits of Using Facebook for Small Businesses

Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Benefits of Using Facebook for Small Businesses

It may not be that surprising when someone says that Facebook is beneficial to businesses, you even probably know one or two reasons as to why this is true, right?

But it won’t be harmful to anyone if we’re going to reiterate these benefits and ways on how small businesses can utilise Facebook for marketing purposes.

We’ve listed some reasons on how having a Facebook Page can be beneficial to your business.

an icon of a target with arrow and an icon of human
  • Reach Target Customers
  • Without a doubt, the number of people who use Facebook nowadays makes it easier for you to find your target audience. With Facebook’s feature of suggesting Facebook pages having similar characteristics as the one that a user liked, your services can reach a potential customer without doing so much.
  • In order for this to be possible, you should first create a Page and build a business profile that would relay your ideal branding. This will make visitors have a clear idea of your page and will encourage them to like and eventually, become your customer. If you still don’t have a Facebook Page for your Business, you can check out our guide here: How to Create a Facebook Business Page
  • There’s also a setting on Facebook that can only be accessed by the administrator where you can allow your followers to see a similar page suggestion on your page as a result you will also be seen on other pages’ suggestion list. This is mostly beneficial for starting and small businesses.
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  • Marketing is much more inexpensive.
  • Traditional businesses pay a significant amount of money for their business to be posted in large commercial areas and this is something that’s not really advisable for small business owners. Luckily, we have Facebook that we can use for free unless you want to set up advertisements to boost your page likes and reach in a short period of time. Nonetheless, Facebook still lets the owner decide how much s/he’s like to spend and how long these advertisements will run.
  • To learn more about how you can set up Facebook Advertisements, you can visit this GUIDE from Facebook regarding the creation and management of boosted posts.
  • If you’re not up for spending some amount on advertisements, you can always use your connections to have an effective advertising campaign. Your friends or your clients can always share your post with one click and every share means you have a higher chance of getting leads.
an icon of a box and an arrow turn on the box
  • Collect More Insights
  • Aside from reaching your target audience and spending less on marketing, Facebook also lets you have more insights as to what’s trending, selling and what’s not. Users and clients can be really honest about their opinions on a product or service but that’s a good thing especially if you're new to the field and you want to know more about what aspects you can still improve in the long run.
  • Facebook can always give you an overview of how your page is doing based on the number of engagements your page has. You can also check if your recent post is performing or not. By viewing this feature, you can rely on the data on how you can strategically engage your audience in the future.
an icon of a window showing a graph
  • Drive Traffic to your website
  • If you have built a website, Facebook is also a good way to drive traffic to it. By adding a call button to your posts, you can always easily redirect your audience to your business’ website and convert each visit to leads. Remember to have relevant and up to date posts so that your clients would know that you’re still up and running. You can also post other engaging contents related to your business to make your page more lively.
two pieces of chess called the bishop and the knight
  • Competitor Research
  • Yes, you’ve read it right. Competitor Research is and will always be part of the business industry and successful marketing. Facebook lets you check how your competitors are doing based on their weekly engagement. A Competitor’s Facebook Page can be monitored using the insights feature by adding the said Page on a list that you’ve personally curated. In this feature, you can check their engagement and compare it to yours. If you see that they’re doing better, you can always check if they are using a strategy that you might not know of.

As mentioned, Facebook is a powerful tool in business today. Just by posting the right content, launching an advertising campaign at the right time, and knowing how to connect with your target audience, you can pretty much have a successful business. However, everyone should keep in mind that there are still a lot of factors that affect your page performance, the best thing to do is to keep abreast of the recent research and strategies that can be beneficial to your business.

We’ve got an extra tip for you! Aside from creating a Facebook Page for your business, you can also create a website for your business. Have a look at Google My Business and read more on how you can utilise this platform for leads, insights and so much more. Check out our previous blog post about the 5 Benefits of Using Google My Business!

Bataan Peninsula State University (BPSU) faculty members recently embarked on an enriching five-day immersion program hosted by Yoonet, a leading technology company in Balanga City. Designed to bridge the gap between academia and industry, the program offered a comprehensive look into the world of software development, industry trends, and potential collaboration opportunities.

Day 1: Orientation and Immersion

meeting of faculty and headswork hard and be kindorientation of programSoftware Developers and the head of departmentexplanation of the Head of the CCSWelcoming the immersion

The program kicked off with an orientation session, introducing the faculty members to Yoonet's vision and mission. Following this, the participants shared their professional backgrounds, setting the stage for a collaborative learning environment. A company tour provided a glimpse into Yoonet's vibrant work culture and humble office.

Day 2: Technology Deep Dive

Explanation of tech to the CCS facultyExplanation of the technologyPost graduates of BPSU working in YoonetExplaning the podioExplaining the bubbleApplications used for communication

‍Day two delved into the technical aspects of Yoonet's operations. Faculty members observed development team meetings, gained insights from BPSU-CICT - now known as College of Computer Studies - graduates who have successfully transitioned into the industry, and received an in-depth overview of the technologies and tools used by Yoonet. Showcasing successful projects further enriched the learning experience.

Day 3: Industry Standards and Agile Methodology

Creating a diagramsWorking with the companyExplaning the APIExplanation of methodologyExplaining in person the software used in companyAgreeing with the faculty

The third day focused on industry best practices and methodologies. Participants engaged in discussions on Agile methodologies and project management techniques, followed by an observation of different development teams in action. A hands-on Bubble Bootcamp introduced the faculty to low-code development, providing practical experience.

Day 4: The Impact of AI and Technology Trends

Explaining the AIFuther discussion of AIDiscussion of ToolsTeaching how we use the AIShowcased the bubble bootcampReflection for using AI

Day four explored the influence of AI on the business landscape. Faculty members learned about Yoonet's AI initiatives and witnessed the application of these technologies through showcased projects. The Bubble Bootcamp continued, building on the previous day's learning.

Day 5: Synthesis and Future Collaboration

The faculty, management, and the developersDiscussing the valuable feedbackPeople who made the partnership succesfulReceiving of package from the BPSUItems included in packageThe management gave the certificate to the faculty

The final day was dedicated to reflection and future collaboration. Faculty members presented key takeaways and observations, and potential areas for partnership between BPSU and Yoonet were identified. The program concluded with a certificate awarding ceremony and valuable feedback collection.

A Successful Partnership

The faculty immersion program was a resounding success, providing BPSU faculty with a deep understanding of industry trends, technologies, and best practices. It fostered a collaborative environment and opened doors for potential research and development projects between the university and Yoonet.

This initiative is a testament to the commitment of both institutions to bridge the gap between academia and industry, ensuring that graduates are equipped with the necessary skills to excel in the dynamic world of technology.

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